Building Great Urban Neighborhoods. Together.

Comprehensive Parking Plan

Parking is an integral part of enhancing downtown as a vibrant and successful community for residents, workers and visitors. CivicSD recently completed a Comprehensive Parking Plan for Downtown San Diego The plan augments the goals and policies of the Downtown Community Plan and provides downtown with a guiding document and implementation tool to continue to address the parking demand.

The plan generated a series of near, mid and long-term recommendations, including the balance of providing for vehicles in downtown with the goal of being an environment that promotes walking, biking and utilizing mass transit to provide the foundation for better utilization parking supplies and a more sustainable future for downtown San Diego.

Executive Summary 972KB
Comprehensive Parking Plan 1MB

Near-Term Recommendations (2009 to 2013):

  • Establish an 85 percent on-street occupancy trigger
  • Implement a universal wayfinding system
  • Implement a universal valet parking program
  • Develop shared parking database
  • Implement combination loading zones
  • Refine Cortez Hill Residential Parking Permit Program
  • Vary parking meter rates and extend hours of operation of on-street paid parking system
  • Use existing parking efficiently
  • Acquire or develop public parking spaces

Mid-Term Recommendations (2013 to 2018):

  • Implement new parking enforcement techniques
  • Unbundle parking
  • Develop a parking trade program

Long-Term Recommendations (2018 to 2030):

  • Implement real-time on-street variable rate systems
  • Increase parking supply when necessary

Downtown Parking Management Group

To assist Civic San Diego and provide community input on parking issues, CivicSD in conjunction with Council District 3 established the Downtown Parking Management Group (DPMG) in 2004. The DPMG is comprised of downtown residents, business owners, and community organizations familiar with downtown parking issues. This group provides valuable input to CSD on parking issues and recommends potential solutions to improve parking efficiency and utilization. In addition to making recommendations regarding parking and mobility, the DPMG also provides input on DCPD’s annual plan and budget and makes financial recommendations on the three CivicSD managed parking garages; Park it on Market, 6th & K Parkade and Cedar Gateway.



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