About Civic San Diego
Civic San Diego is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, that is the entrepreneurial development partner for targeted San Diego communities charged with stimulating public-private partnerships, encouraging economic development, enhancing the quality of life and ensuring the social vitality of underserved neighborhoods.
The Civic San Diego vision is revitalized urban neighborhoods that are great places to live and work.
Our mission is to foster innovative community partnerships to improve the quality of life in San Diego’s neighborhoods.
Our Core Values:
Respect the community as partners
Transparent engagement
Fiduciary stewards of public resources
Embrace cultural diversity
Foster high-performance culture
Civic San Diego is a result-driven entrepreneurial partner leading in innovation. Our Core Strategy is to build public-private partnerships and to use leveraged financing to:
Advance community goals through public improvements
Provide affordable housing, mixed-use, and transit-oriented development
Foster livable communities and healthy neighborhoods
Nurture small business and stimulate job creation
The Civic San Diego Corporate offices are located at: 8989 Rio San Diego Dr Ste 100, San Diego, CA 92108
Telephone number: 619-235-2200
Fax number: 619-236-7148
The attached Amended and Restated Bylaws of Civic San Diego reflect the actions taken by Civic San Diego’s Board of Directors on June 27 and July 25, 2012 and by the City of San Diego as the sole member of Civic San Diego, acting through its City Council, on June 25 and July 31, 2012. These Amended and Restated Bylaws include all terms previously included in the version posted to Civic San Diego’s website and additionally contain the following language in Section 1.2 which was approved by the City Council on July 31, 2012:
As a means of achieving the charitable purposes identified above, the Corporation may engage in activities which provide investments to low-income communities, including, without limitation, activities necessary to facilitate the participation in the New Market Tax Credit program or similar programs.
Pursuant to State Assembly Bill 26 and Assembly Bill 1484 (“Dissolution Legislation”), on January 28, 2013, the City of San Diego (City), acting as the successor agency (“Successor Agency”) to the former Redevelopment Agency (“Former RDA”), transferred all its housing assets (“Housing Assets”) to the City, acting as the housing successor to the Former RDA.
Civic San Diego is a non-profit public benefit corporation created by the City to engage in economic development, land use permitting and services within the downtown, and project management services, which, under California law, can be done by contract with or delegated by the City. Civic San Diego is authorized to negotiate contracts pursuant to the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law (Corp. Code § 5110 et seq.), its Articles of Incorporation and its Bylaws. Additionally, Civic San Diego is authorized to enter into contracts for and on behalf of the City and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego (“Successor Agency”) pursuant to its Operating Agreement and/or other applicable agreements, if any, with the City.